How to play with a keyboard and mouse on Nintendo Switch?

Keyboard mouse on Switch
Keyboard mouse on Switch
How to play with a keyboard and mouse on Nintendo Switch?

Are you wondering if it's possible to play with a keyboard and mouse on Nintendo Switch? Using a keyboard and mouse on a gaming console may seem unconventional, but it offers several potential advantages. Let's take stock of the possibilities (and challenges) related to using this famous keyboard-mouse duo on the hybrid console from Nintendo. We guide you through the different options available for using a keyboard-mouse pack on Switch — while alerting you to the limitations of these methods.

Why connect a keyboard and mouse to your Nintendo Switch?

For certain games, especially FPS like Overwatch or Fortnite, the combination of keyboard and mouse offers significantly better precision than traditional controllers. Similarly, if you're used to playing on a computer, using a keyboard-mouse kit on your Switch can make the transition more comfortable for your first hours of gameplay. Finally, gaming keyboards often offer programmable buttons, allowing for advanced customization of your controls.

However, it's important to note that this type of keyboard, even when paired with a mouse, is not suitable for all games developed for the Switch. Titles like Super Mario Odyssey or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild were specifically designed for Joy-Con or Pro controllers and may lose ergonomics with a keyboard and mouse, or even become unplayable.

Is it possible to connect a keyboard and mouse to the Nintendo Switch natively?

Using a keyboard is not as simple as connecting a Switch controller! Unlike some consoles like the PlayStation 5, the Nintendo Switch does not offer native support for using a keyboard-mouse pack.

Sure, you can plug a keyboard into the USB port of the Switch dock or pair it via the console's Bluetooth connectivity. However, this connection only allows for text input. So, even if the keyboard is detected by the Switch, it cannot be used to control games. Likewise, by default, the Switch is not compatible with mice.

Also read: How to charge a Switch controller?

How to connect a keyboard and mouse to the Nintendo Switch: 2 step-by-step methods

This native limitation does not mean that it is impossible to use a keyboard-mouse pack to play on the Switch. Alternative solutions exist, but they require additional hardware and present certain constraints.

Method 1: using a Bluetooth receiver (for wireless mouse/keyboard sets)

  1. Buy a Bluetooth receiver specifically designed for gaming consoles, such as the Mayflash Magic-NS or the 8BitDo Wireless Adapter.
  2. Plug the receiver into the USB port of the Switch dock.
  3. Connect your wireless keyboard and mouse to the receiver. This keyboard converter will translate the inputs into signals that the Switch will interpret as coming from a controller.

Method 2: using a keyboard-mouse adapter (for wired keyboards and mice)

  1. Get a specific USB adapter for gaming consoles, such as the IOGEAR KeyMander 2.
  2. Connect the adapter to your Switch via the USB port.
  3. Plug your wired keyboard and mouse into the adapter. The adapter will convert the signals from the keyboard and mouse into controller-compatible inputs for the Switch.

It is crucial to understand that these methods are not official. Even if your keyboard-mouse pack is console-compatible, the experience on your Nintendo Switch may lack fluidity, as it was not designed for this use. If you are a casual gamer or enjoy the traditional console gaming experience, the investment in time and money may not be worth it. On the other hand, if you are a FPS enthusiast or strategy game lover, and you want to regain PC precision on your Switch with your essential gaming keyboard, these solutions might interest you. The primary advantages of the Nintendo Switch remain its versatility and flexibility, so it would be a shame to miss out on trying new ways to play!

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